Panagiota Tasiopoulou, Katerina Ziotopoulou, Francisco Humire, Amalia Giannakou, Jacob Chacko and Thaleia Travasarou have co-authored a paper titled: “Development and Implementation of Semiempirical Framework for Modeling Postliquefaction Shear Deformation Accumulation in Sands” which is available online in Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE. The paper presents a framework for the estimation of coseismic deformations in the postliquefaction regime developed based on an extensive database of available cyclic undrained stress-controlled tests on clean sand samples without static shear bias, covering a wide range of relative densities. The proposed framework provides a basis for the calibration of advanced constitutive models capable of capturing postliquefaction strain accumulation. A calibration methodology is proposed using both existing liquefaction resistance curves and the newly developed semiempirical relationships for estimating postliquefaction shear strain accumulation.
Semiempirical Framework for Modeling Postliquefaction Shear Deformation Accumulation in Sands
Updated: Nov 18, 2019