Tasiopoulou P. , Giannakou A. , Drosos V., Georgarakos P., Chacko J., de Wit S. and Zuideveld-Venema N. (2018) “Numerical evaluation of dynamic levee performance due to induced seismicity” July, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, DOI: 10.1007/s10518-018-0426-5
Jongejan, R., Drosos, V., Giannakou, A., Chacko, J., Tasiopoulou, P., Zuideveld-Venema, N., de Wit, S., and Huisson, H. (2018) “Probabilistic Assessments of Flood Defense Performance Subject to Induced Seismicity” Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering (accepted for publication)
Tasiopoulou P., Giannakou A., Chacko J. and de Wit S. (2018) “Liquefaction triggering and post-liquefaction deformation of laminated deposits” Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, May, DOI: 10.1016/j.soildyn.2018.04.044
Tasiopoulou P., Ziotopoulou K., Humire F., Giannakou A., Chacko J. and Travasarou T. (2018). "Development and implementation of a semi- empirical framework for modeling post-liquefaction deformation accumulation in sands." Journal of Geotechnical and Geonvironmental Engineering, ASCE (under review).
Régnier J., Bonilla L., Bard P., Bertrand E., Hollender F., Kawase H., Sicilia D., Arduino P., Amorosi A., Asimaki D., Boldini D., Chen L., Chiaradonna A., DeMartin F., Elgamal A., Falcone G., Foerster E., Foti S., Garini E., Gazetas G., Gélis C., Ghofrani A., Giannakou A., Gingery J. R., Glinsky N., Harmon J., Hashash Y., Iai S., Jeremić B., Kramer S., Kontoe S., Kristek J., Lanzo G., di Lernia A., Lopez-Caballero F., Marot M., McAllister G., Mercerat E. D., Moczo P., Montoya-Noguera S., Musgrove M., Nieto-Ferro A., Pagliaroli A., Pisanò F., Richterova A., Sajana S., Santisi d'Avila M., Shi J., Silvestri F., Taiebat M., Tropeano G., Vandeputte D., Verrucci L. and Watan K. (2018) “PRENOLIN: International Benchmark on 1D Nonlinear Site Response Analysis - Validation Phase Exercise”, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 108 (2): 876-900, https://doi.org/10.1785/0120170210
Giannakou A., Makra A., Chacko J., and Poudens O. “Evaluation of Kinematically-Induced Demands On Offshore Platform Foundations Due To Liquefaction”, 1st International Conference on Natural Hazards & Infrastructure 28-30 June, 2016, Chania, Greece
Régnier J., Bonilla L., Bard P., Bertrand E., Hollender F., Kawase H., Sicilia D., Arduino P., Amorosi A., Asimaki D., Boldini D., Chen L., Chiaradonna A., DeMartin F., Elgamal A., Falcone G., Foerster E., Foti S., Garini E., Gazetas G., Gélis C., Ghofrani A., Giannakou A., Gingery J. R., Glinsky N., Harmon J., Hashash Y., Iai S., Jeremić B., Kramer S., Kontoe S., Kristek J., Lanzo G., di Lernia A., Lopez-Caballero F., Marot M., McAllister G., Mercerat E. D., Moczo P., Montoya-Noguera S., Musgrove M., Nieto-Ferro A., Pagliaroli A., Pisanò F., Richterova A., Sajana S., Santisi d'Avila M., Shi J., Silvestri F., Taiebat M., Tropeano G., and Watan K. (2016) “International Benchmark on Numerical Simulations for 1D, Nonlinear Site Response (PRENOLIN): Verification Phase Based on Canonical Cases”, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 106, No. 5, pp. 2112–2135, October 2016, doi: 10.1785/0120150284
Giannakou A., Chen W., Chacko J. (2015) “Evaluation of Soil Structure Interaction Effects for Two Major Bridges in Turkey” 6ICEGE, Christchurch, New Zealand